Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Neighbors who would have thought?

I did want to mention something that happened here in the neighborhood this past weekend that was just, really nice. We have lived here for 7 years and honestly we knew none of our neighbors. Yes, we'd wave to be polite and maybe say a hello now and then, but we knew no one. There was the preacher and his wife, the couple with the golden retrievers, the blonde and the guy with the beard or the people the kids help shovel snow for.
Well, Stan and Shirley (formerly known as the preacher and his wife) decided to have a block party. They provided hot dogs and hamburgers and all were welcome to bring a covered dish and attend. This was to take place in the cul-de-sac in front of the house. We felt compelled to attend, even though we really didn't want to. So we took some cookies and potato salad and headed out.
What a nice time we all had getting acquainted! Donna and Gene (formerly known as the people the kids shovel snow for) sang songs while Gene played along on his guitar. Mike and Patty (formerly known as the couple with the golden retrievers) brought their DGG Ashton and I just fell in love with her curly red hair and we played in the front yard. Ron and Paula (formerly known as the guy with the beard and the blonde) told us all about the history of the area since they had grown up here in town and their house was the first in the addition to be built 30 years ago.
We all had to tear everything down quickly and head inside as the storm rolled in and promised to do it again, and I really hope we do. It was relaxing and very enjoyable. We have some super sweet neighbors! Maybe you do too?


Gina said...

What a great time you must have had. I'm so glad they decided to hold a party to break the ice. I'm lucky that I know most of my neighbours quite well. Us Welsh are nosey so we tend to get to know people quickly.

Love and hugs gina xxx

Amanda said...

Isn't it silly how reticent so many of us are? We're so afraid of interfering (unless we're Welsh that is!!!) that we don't get on and so something like this, but when someone else does it is so nice. Let's hope you manage to arrange something similar soon now that you are getting to know your neighbours better.

Teresa said...

Ok..so you have the preacher and his wife, the people the kids shovel snow for, the couple with the golden retrievers and the guy with the beard and the blonds. Gotcha....only I wonder how your neighbors "named" YOU! LOL, wouldn't you just love to know?

Sewgirl said...

Cool, Maybe next month would be good? What do you think?

Angela said...

We had planned on having a block party this late spring, but then I got sick and it just didnt happen. So glad you went to yours and had a good time. Hopefully we can have one this fall when it cools off.

swooze said...

I am glad you participated. We used to have neighborhood parties like this. Now we have lots of new neighbors. I may have to try to organize something like this.

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.