Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How lucky am I?

June has started out to be a really lucky month for me, first I won the lotto for the tulip blocks from Mailblocks shown in the previous post! Then, I won the FQ lotto at Quilting in Indiana for neutral FQs! Plus, this is my surrogate birthday month at Quilting in Indiana also, there were too many November birthdays so I chose June instead...its going to be a month of squishy fun! I will post photos of all at the end of the month!


Diane said...

You are on a roll! Buy a lotto ticket!:)

Teresa said...

LOL..I had never heard of a surrogate birthday month -but wish I had done that for my twins who have a birthday in December - not a good month for parents with Christmas right around the corner. So I will just wish you a happy surrogate birthday!

About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.