Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mutterings 1/5 and 1/12

  1. Mist :: morning

  2. Eating :: table

  3. Beacon :: light

  4. Speaker :: woofer

  5. Episodes :: soap opera

  6. Conference :: call

  7. Sneak attack :: fish

  8. Medic :: army

  9. Web :: spider

  10. 2008 :: new

  1. Dream big ::clouds

  2. Competition :: beat

  3. Torn :: fabric

  4. Modeling :: clay

  5. Coaster :: roller

  6. Slut :: new york

  7. Spread :: butter

  8. Amanda :: cousin

  9. Romance :: novel

  10. Paradise :: palm trees

to play along, visit:

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.