Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Home from retreat!

This is for anyone out there who has thought about going to a quilting retreat but has been too apprehensive to go.....GO!!!!!!! I know everyone thinks they're shy or that they wont fit in, but look at it this way, how can you go wrong with a room full of other women who share the same passions as yourself? I always have a wonderful time with old and new friends at retreat. There is so much experience to draw from, if you have a question or a technique that has been a problem in the past, chances are there will be someone there who is proficient and will take the time to show you one on one. Best of all is the friends you make. I have always been one of the guys, having very few female friends. But when I am at retreat surrounded by women, older and younger I feel....(searching for a not too overly sappy term)....belonging, kinship, centered. time a retreat presents itself to you please just go for it! Take your open mind and you desire to learn and share and just jump in head first!
This is the cottage we stay at taken from the dock out on the lake a couple of May retreats ago. Gifties made for Liz who is the Retreat Mom who keeps us all in check with her whip and wit and the other for Alison, quilter, chef and friend extraordinaire.

Pumpkin blocks for a swap completed at retreat.

Christmasy Delectable Mountain blocks for an upcoming swap. (I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! this pattern, have already made 36 half blocks, going to make more for sure!)

For the rest of you woolenators to drool over, purchased at Lolly's and Yoder's in Shipshewana.

More pics to come when my quilt hanger gets home from work :-)


Rhonda said...

Hi've won the "cow" block from my tutorial. "E" me and it'll be on its way. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

love the pics! loved the retreat and being your tablemate even more!!

Joyce said...

Where was the retreat and how do I get information?

About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.