Sunday, February 01, 2009

Going for a six pack!

As I drove home this morning listening to an Indianapolis talk radio station I heard the caller say he was rooting for the Cardinals today because Steeler fans are the most obnoxious and what will they be like with SIX Super Bowl rings?

Poor jealous Indy Colts fan, sucks to be you doesn't it?

Steelers version of the Lord's Prayer pre-playoff win but too cute not to pass on.

Our Father,

Who art in Pittsburgh,

Football Be thy Game.

Thy Kingdom Come,

5 Superbowls Won,

On Earth as it is in Heinz Field.

Give us this Day a Play-off Victory,

And forgive us our penalties,

As we defeat those who play against us.

But lead us into victory,

And deliver us to Tampa!




Tolentreasures said...

And how well that all worked out! What a game and what a win! Best ever!


Anonymous said...

I live in Steeler Country and know that we are not obnoxious, just loyal fans. Not to mention that our fan base is larger than any other team, so there to the naysayers. ;-)

Rhonda said...

So you're a Stealers fan, uh. Good for you because they won!

About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.