Monday, October 06, 2008

My OH My....

Its been a while since I've been on Blogger. Perhaps because this is my quilt blog and I have been going through a motivational drought of late? Yes, I have basically kept up with my commitments, but that's it, and its not been joyfully either, but instead with a "I gotta catch up" attitude which leaves me a feeling of duty done, rather than satisfyingly and gleefully complete.

I think I'm finally heading out into the light again. Is it the weather getting cooler? Thoughts of Christmas looming over my head? Hopefully its just my passion returning.


Kandas | GratitudeGeek said...

I get more crafty in the Fall.

It's difficult when you lose your passion. I hope you get it back!

Sue said...

I know the colder weather helps me as my favorite thing is hand quilting on a great big quilt!

I'm trying to keep the heat off or as low as possible to keep the bill down. It's chilly today so I'll soon be curling up with a quilt for some hand quilting today.

I hope you find some inspiration soon, I don't know what I would do without my quilting :)

About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.