Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Plans altered

Is it my quilting he loves or the remaining heat from the dryer?
So the machine is in for repair again. More bobbin/race issues. They assured me they would put a new bobbin assembly and postioner in, no matter what they will make it right. So that has altered my October plans and goals. I did manage to get the row done for Quilting in IN, however it was the one that was due 10/15 so I dashed it off to the post office right after completion without taking a pic.
I did complete the framed four patches for a swap. I rather like them, I may make more, they're not due for another week and a half.


swooze said...

He is adorable!

His Office, My Studio said...

Thank-you for your comment on my blog. Because you are no reply I could not send you an email.

Your pup loves your quilt and the warmth is a bonus.

I have not tried the framed four patch block and after seeing how you did yours I have to try it. Yours turned out great!

About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.