Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cindy's seasons round robin

One of my to-dos for October is complete! Woo-hooo! This is Cindy's Seasons round robin from RowsandRobinsandMore Wow, completely in 30's prints, something that my stash seriously lacks. So I went shopping, a little charm pack picked up at the retreat, another auction for Pre-cut squares from eBay and last but not least a quick trip to the Quilt Shop. I knew I wanted plenty of variety for y round but was not ready to break the bank on a style of fabric that I'm just not that fond of.

I was going in so may directions for design ideas for this one. But I decided to continue with a floral theme since most of the 30's prints have some sort of floral in them. The green setting strip was also a bit of a challenge. I guess my innate desire for symmetry was completely thrown off by the addition of the dark green strips on only two sides, but I do like the addition of color contrast. The previous robin sent along extra green for me use in my row, but I was afraid of using too much of it in such a light colored quilt. So instead I only used it for my flower leaves and sent the rest on for the next person. I probably should have put a resting row of either green or white, but since I wasn't sure what the next person had in mind, I opted to send it like it was. I hope Cindy is pleased with my efforts.


1 comment:

swooze said...


About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.