Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My addition to row robin

That's my row for Zora on the bottom. And yes, a couple are paper pieced. And no, I have not changed my mind about paper piecing, I still hate it. I had different patterns picked out which were all paper pieced....they were tossed with a string of expletives that actually woke the kid in his room across the hall. I found some traditionally pieced substitutes and was very glad to have this leave my house :-)


Nana's Quilts said...

I always thought I liked paper piecing until my guild started their project. Oh my gracious. (you can read the tale of woe on my blog:

So you have my heart-felt congratulations - great teapots.

swooze said...

Looks great! I just added my first bit of paper piecing to a round robin I did. I had 4 patterns chosen then decided to just do 1 four times since it was my first go at it.

About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.