Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pink and Brown again and again

How could I have known several years ago what was going to happen to me when I started swapping 6" pink and brown blocks? I would have never thought that three years later I am still making and swapping. Of course I have nothing compared to my friend Susan who has over 100, but when will this theme finally leave my poor head alone and allow itself to be made? Perhaps when I finally find myself through all my pinks and browns? Maybe I should stop storing them together on my shelves and hopefully rid myself of the temptation?
New blocks created for yet another 6" Pink and Brown swap at Mailblocks.

1 comment:

Mary Johnson said...

Pretty blocks - I'm currently piecing a quilt with pink and brown from JudyL's quilt for an hour project for July. It's a color combination that I really like although this will be the 3rd quilt I've made and given away!

About Me

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Bargersville, Indiana, United States
I'm a 45 year old wife and mother. Quilting is my haven from the real world.